Obtaining a Residence Permit Montenegro

Obtaining a Residence Permit

Montenegro provides foreigners with various grounds for obtaining a Residence Permit (residence permit), providing a wide range of options for legalizing their stay in the country.

1. Work activity:
Work in a local company or representative office of an international organization

2. Business:
Opening your own company and holding the post of director is a popular way of legalization.

3. Ownership of real estate
Obtaining a residence permit through real estate ownership is possible regardless of the cost of the object.
Moreover, this includes the possibility of obtaining a residence permit in the presence of a yacht.

4. Remote work:
The possibility of obtaining a residence permit for digital nomads working remotely for foreign companies.

5. Soldering of the rock:
Family reunification is one of the main grounds for obtaining a residence permit.

6. Education and scientific activity:
Education, student exchange, specialization, practice and research work.

Montenegro provides flexible options for legalization according to the different needs of foreigners.
Choose the right path for you to get a residence permit in Montenegro and enjoy the benefits of this beautiful country.